
To say goodbye to 2007, a little post on zotero. Oh, and a pledge for more frequent posting next year…

I have seen zotero.org before. I just read an article on washingtonpost.com which reminded me of it (Internet Access is Only Prerequisite for More and More College Classes) and I thought I would look at zotero again.

Zotero is a Firefox extension built to help scholars organize their documents, research, bibliographic information, and notes. It is a creation of the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University; see zotero.org for all the info, and to download it. Don’t miss the video clips in the Quick Start Guide page.
There are such programs for various operating systems already. For instance, I have DEVONThink on the Mac, and in the past have used a shareware”knowledge-base” program on Windows. But because zotero runs on Firefox, I can use it on my Ubuntu Linux-running laptop and my Mac and on whatever new computer comes along. I’m looking forward to getting to know zotero better in the weeks to come.